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  1. D

    My newborn cloth diaper stash and process for my 18 day old, in 100% cloth since day 5!

    @defd2000 Thank you for the advice and tips! I've read here that a lot of people don't like microfiber so I had avoided that. Maybe I'll look into it, at least for when she's small and not peeing a lot at once.
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    My newborn cloth diaper stash and process for my 18 day old, in 100% cloth since day 5!

    @defd2000 Thank you! I have 4 NB covers (I'm fine with hand washing), 5 workhorse, ~12 prefolds, and 18 flats. I started with the flats thinking that would last birth-potty training, but they look way too big for a newborn.
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    My newborn cloth diaper stash and process for my 18 day old, in 100% cloth since day 5!

    @bittergreen You've made me realize that I don't have nearly enough small size diapers if I have any hope of succeeding with full time cloth from newborn stage! I've got about a month to fix that. Thank you 🙂
  4. D

    My toddler doesn’t sleep well - he fell asleep tonight at 11pm and I feel so bad :(

    @paker Lots of good advice here already (boundaries are tough but SO important!), one other thing I'll suggest is getting his iron/ferritin checked. My daughter was having a tough time falling asleep and when she woke in the night, took hours to fall back asleep. Her ferritin (indicative of how...