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  1. C

    What are we doing about naps?

    @sam1930 The baby carrier is where it’s at. But not at 3 weeks… at 3 weeks you just hold your baby and hopefully let someone else do the cooking and cleaning.
  2. C

    A couple baby wearing questions…

    @chriatopher Thanks!!
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    A couple baby wearing questions…

    My baby always spits up a lot when I first put him in the carrier. Like, enough that I have to take him out and change both of our outfits every time. Is this normal? How long does it usually take for your baby to settle and fall asleep in the carrier? Mine can vary anywhere from like 3 minutes...
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    Hell is when your baby is peacefully asleep next to you but you’re wide awake because your husband is snoring

    @mom3222 I appreciate the honesty! I’m a little surprised that the responses have been more mixed than I thought, I was expecting to get roasted for even thinking about it! I feel pretty confident that I’d still be adequately responsive to my baby but still a little hesitant. I’m definitely not...
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    Hell is when your baby is peacefully asleep next to you but you’re wide awake because your husband is snoring

    @letgo08 lol 😂 I do wake him up. And he moves to the couch. I just have this romantic idea of the family bed and us all sleeping together in one room and so I try to stick it out hahaha that’s my bad.
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    Hell is when your baby is peacefully asleep next to you but you’re wide awake because your husband is snoring

    @lorilu05 I do. Every night. I’ve been so attached to the idea of all of us sleeping in the same room together so it makes me sad 😢
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    Hell is when your baby is peacefully asleep next to you but you’re wide awake because your husband is snoring

    Pre baby the snoring didn’t bother me bc I’d wear earplugs. It’s probably really unsafe to wear earplugs while sharing a bed with an infant, right?
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    @angeliqueg It’s so weird to me that people judge cosleeping as “selfish.” First of all, sleeping well is essential to basic human functioning (including parenting), just like eating well and exercising. Secondly, there is so much more involved in caring for a child than just ~keep it alive~...
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    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    @weixiao Not really, as long as he’s getting enough to eat. It’s normal for new newborns to just sleep, eat, and poop. Omg true and normal and all I can say is for us it went away around 6 weeks. I’ve heard saline or breast milk can help but I never tried either, I just lived with it lol. Don’t...
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    Help me pull the trigger: Wildbird Aerial | Sakura Bloom Scout | LennyLight | Tula Lite

    @dominga Well I only have one of the carriers on your list, the SB Scout, and I’m loving it. I also have an ergo Omni 360 which isn’t on your list but does have lots of padding and I much prefer the lighter weight of the Scout. The rings have been easy for me although I know some people don’t...