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  1. M

    List of infant allergies by frequency?

    My baby reacts to eggs and chicken. And milk and I think beef. Probably some other things too I ditched in my elimination diet. I keep seeing random data like "x percent of babies with z allergy also have y allergy" and such. Is there a site that's put together an all-encompassing list of known...
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @denman To be fair, I don't have experience using Domperidone for relactation, just run of the mill supply increase. Supply increase was swift and near immediate. I had a headache off and on for a week. Then for about two weeks there were two hours in the evening where I'd get emotional. Then I...
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @denman Oh I forgot that increase thirst and appetite are a "side effect." To me it seemed rational that I'd need to eat and drink more to make more. Definitely had that, although I didn't gain weight. It all went to the milk.
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @denman Have you considered medication assistance for relactation? There's stuff out there that will make a man make milk lol
  5. M

    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @transformed89 Oh, I'm also the person who said the rule of thumb is, if exposure to the idea fails to implant interest, to put them in one sport and one art by around school age.
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @kmar123 Well, they don't ask by saying "Mommy please take me to the dance studio", they ask by saying "I want to be a dancer!" The sport books for kids often are about children going to practices before the big game/recital so knowledge of the existence of lessons varies depending on what...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @anonymous9299 If she were interested she'd ask. I was obsessed with the Nutcracker and ice skating at 6 or so, and this led to ballet classes. (Maybe yours is obsessed with birds and would prefer a nature hiking group for an extracurricular.) You can find different studios with different vibes...