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  1. S

    Type B (personality) parents

    @aechceeaech I have deleted TikTok so many times because there is way too much out there. And it’s SO Overwhelming!
  2. S

    Type B (personality) parents

    @counterview I did IVF as well and kind of took the same approach. In hindsight I was naïve about my chances but it actually worked out! And I’m glad I didn’t get caught up in the numbers. So I am kind of approaching newborn phase the same way.
  3. S

    Type B (personality) parents

    @lostgirl That is kind of my thinking too? All my friends babies are very different and like/hate different things so no one can tell you how your baby will react to this thing or that.
  4. S

    Type B (personality) parents

    @acey1 Thank you!!
  5. S

    Type B (personality) parents

    I am type B personality type and due in a month. I have done some research. Like I have decided to formula feed (for personal reasons), follow safe sleep guidelines and I am going to sleep train once she’s old enough. The rest I’m planning on learning on the job. Is it crazy to approach it this...