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  1. M

    UPDATE - Just left the ER with more questions than answers - Is it possible I conceived late? Can someone help me?

    @ironmike59 I'm so sorry you've experienced that! My bleeding has slowed significantly and I only passed 1 small clot this morning. Still going in on Saturday to make sure everything is ok
  2. M

    UPDATE - Just left the ER with more questions than answers - Is it possible I conceived late? Can someone help me?

    @newmove I'm sorry we're in this club together :( it's crazy to think back a month ago when we got that positive test and how my whole life changed in that moment, only for it to be gone just like that. I deleted my registry and everything this morning which sucked, and all I see when I'm on my...
  3. M

    UPDATE - Just left the ER with more questions than answers - Is it possible I conceived late? Can someone help me?

    @susanlo Yeah they are making me come back in Saturday for more hCG testing which I think is pretty pointless, but I'll go. I think I'm gonna give myself some time & see what happens This pregnancy, while I was very happy, was not planned and my fiancé and I had to make a lot of changes in...
  4. M

    UPDATE - Just left the ER with more questions than answers - Is it possible I conceived late? Can someone help me?

    @johngthomas He’s checking to see if he can find out. I’m going to try to ride this out at home and have a follow up on Saturday when I was scheduled to go back in Thank you ❤️
  5. M

    UPDATE - Just left the ER with more questions than answers - Is it possible I conceived late? Can someone help me?

    @ansonthms I do, they close at 4 and are notoriously hard to get ahold of. This experience has actually made me decide to switch to a different office I don’t feel lightheaded or dizzy so I think I’m gonna stick it out at home & get checked on Saturday when I’m supposed to go back in barring...
  6. M

    UPDATE - Just left the ER with more questions than answers - Is it possible I conceived late? Can someone help me?

    This is an update to anyone who was wondering after this post TW: Miscarriage I ended up back in the ER today for massive clots. My hCG had gone from ~8600 to 5400 and there was no growth or a heartbeat. They've still only diagnosed me with a "threatened miscarriage" but obviously it is one...