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    PLS S.W.A.P

    @tito1990 I don’t want to try it. I just meant it’s not really a widespread thing but I might be wrong. I follow all nhs guidance and there’s no mention of any kind of sleep training in the nhs guidance around sleep.
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    PLS S.W.A.P

    @musicwidow Interesting! I’ve never met anyone that’s done it so assumed it was a US / internet thing. The more you know!
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    Didn’t get the promotion

    @mormonmartini I obviously don’t know your experience level or what the other candidates being. I will say that this has happened to me before, I’ve been passed over for a job I thought I was totally ready for in favour of someone else. Both times the new person came in and I learned SO much...
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    PLS S.W.A.P

    @jeancommunicates Nooo from the very little I’ve seen of mumsnet it seems like the most sanctimonious place on the internet which is quite a feat 😂
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    PLS S.W.A.P

    @cass4kin I tried when she was younger too - no dice on being put down in her crib awake sadly. I’ve tried basically every couple of days for her entire life save for a couple of weeks here and there. 😞 she sleeps in there for stretches at night if she falls asleep on me, but can’t get her to...
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    4 month Sleep Regression Research

    @iaian It’s all theory. Anyone who tells you anything with any certainty about baby sleep, other than that most babies wake up a lot, is probably talking bollocks. They can’t tell us why they’re waking so there’s no way of knowing. How on earth could anyone prove that a baby cries because it’s...
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    PLS S.W.A.P

    @julius_cyrano I really appreciate you taking the time to write this. You’re taking exactly the approach that I want to take with my little girl. From an extremely exhausted mother, thank you so much ❤️
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    PLS S.W.A.P

    @julius_cyrano Do you mind if I ask a follow up question? What do you do for subsequent night wakings?
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    PLS S.W.A.P

    @julius_cyrano Thanks this is so helpful! I’m absolutely not after a quick fix, believe me it’s taken 8 months to get to where we are, and as crap as it is, it’s still progress! We’ve got to the point where she’ll lay flat in my arms and peacefully drift off to sleep (no rocking), but the next...
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    PLS S.W.A.P

    To the author of this book - do you honestly think if my baby calmed down and went to sleep in her crib with just patting and singing that I’d be reading your fricking book in the first place. Honestly it’s like step 1 get your baby used to sleeping flat on their back, not on your body. Step 2...