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  1. I

    6 week old absolutely inconsolable unless he’s eating or sleeping.

    @gtasoldier Coming in late but have you tried bottled water? The big jugs for like $3? My LO was like that. Screaming, fussy, seemed like in pain, spitting up... We've even had to put her to sleep at a slight incline. Ovol and gripe water are hit or miss..we switched to enfamil gentlease (...
  2. I

    Can we overfeed our babies?

    @mightyheart My LO is 11 weeks old and eating 5.5 - 6 oz oz every 3 hours. Yesterday was 5.5 oz every 2.5 hours....hungry baby. She ate 5.5 oz at 1800h and then 5.5 oz at 1945h. But she slept from 2000h to 1915h.