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  1. G

    Birth preferences (C-section or vaginal)

    @chris516 Already commented my opinion but I just wanted to say that I love how supportive everyone is in this thread! It will be YOUR birthing experience and YOU ultimately get to decide how you want it to go(to a certain extent)! Love seeing women empowering women!
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    Unvaccinated Nanny

    @thunderchildau As a doula I’m like mortified someone who works with infants isn’t getting ALL the vaccines
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    When did you get excited “again”?

    @didblog They have lost a pregnancy- next baby is a rainbow baby They lost two pregnancies - double rainbow 🌈
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    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    @justrhi How did your partner handle nights by themselves while you’re at work. I work nights as well.
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    [VENT] Out of my control and PISSED

    @zara123 Ugh!! So frustrating and disappointing! I am so sorry! It’s totally okay to just be mad and sad for awhile.
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    COVID-19 and Why I'm Waiting

    @ajay24 Thank you for presenting the information. I think looking at the data and science before making a life changing decision is important, no matter what you decide afterward.
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    Nutritional Analysis of 13 Prenatals

    @deelo00 Oh wow! Thanks for replying! I’ll look out for those. Sounds like it was a bit of a journey for you.
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    Nutritional Analysis of 13 Prenatals

    @deelo00 Out of curiosity, how did you know you were allergic to one? I wanted to know if I should look out for something less obvious.