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    Bilirubin level of 450μmol/L at 8 days

    @kwikfixn here , also here , and this From that last link: In this study, researchers compared 140 infants with bilirubin levels of between 25 mg/dL and 30 mg/dL, a level reached by only about 1 in 700 newborns, to more than 400 control infants. The researchers followed the children up to...
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    Bilirubin level of 450μmol/L at 8 days

    @kwikfixn Yea that sounds like bad advice. With more than 2 risk factors and and trending increase in levels, they should have scheduled a test 24 hours post discharge. I don’t know if you have any legal recourse, you might. Hopefully your baby is fine and nothing comes of this, but I’d reach...
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    Bilirubin level of 450μmol/L at 8 days

    @kwikfixn Did they test before discharge to see if 135 was trending up or down?
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    Bilirubin level of 450μmol/L at 8 days

    @kwikfixn Edit: My conversion for bili was off - 450 umol is 26 mg/dl which is high but not super dangerous. What were levels at the hospital at discharge? Any increased risk factors like rhesus mismatch? Here in the US we got tested three times, did photo therapy and then tested again at 3...