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  1. C

    What should be a normal wait time in the maternity ER?? And does a teaching hospital mean it’s different from a regular hospital?

    This was a teaching hospital that did this. I know students need their learning and it’s really important that they get that, but I feel like some aren’t being taught the importance of patient care and needs. Some are just there for a check. We depend on these doctors to help us take care of our...
  2. C

    What should be a normal wait time in the maternity ER?? And does a teaching hospital mean it’s different from a regular hospital?

    My last pregnancy I was supposed to be induced on a certain day. That same day I was supposed to get induced I was getting contractions 5-6 minutes apart so I went into the ER. I told them the issue and they had me wait. While waiting I lost my mucus plug and my contractions got stronger. I let...