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  1. G

    Nurse suggested diluting formula as measure against constipation in 7-week old - is this as bad of an idea as I think?

    @chhow I do not know if the worry is common but constipation can be real and serious. My son didn’t poop for a few days and his hardened stool had to be manually removed; the doc was clear that this needed to be considered urgent. Sure, breastmilk/formula should be perfect. (Though not...
  2. G

    4m/o exposed to covid-need breastmilk help

    @justifiablerebel It may not help much but it certainly won’t hurt. She has some stored away, so if there’s even a chance of a marginal benefit (possibly some effect on virus actively replicating in mucosal tissue? There’s no evidence for that but it isn’t implausible) there’s probably no better...
  3. G

    The studies for the "50 ml breastmilk per day is enough to show benefits" claim?

    @lululala It correlates with intelligence. g is better but has its own limitations. We can only study what we can measure, so we try to work around the flaws as best we can. Or else walk away. Some prefer ignoring anything we cannot accurately measure, but that is not my perspective.
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    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @crocodilehuricane I was the only girl in a male dominated family. Until our generation started having kids. My brothers all had girls, and the eldest brother’s girls have only had girls. I’m the only one with boys. Which I adopted, so … yeah, anecdata strikes again.
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    Mother’s affection at 8 months predicts emotional distress in adulthood

    @chuckf I knew what you were getting at, but if you want to avoid pushback maybe just phrase the actual question. For example, “does anyone here know if the sample size was sufficient to power that conclusion? It seems small to me.”
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    The studies for the "50 ml breastmilk per day is enough to show benefits" claim?

    @clemi My point on the large shift was based on the principle that a small difference in the mean of a bell curve produces a large shift in the extremes. It’s not going to send little Janey to the top of the class but population wise the effect could be significant. I agree that the other...
  7. G

    The studies for the "50 ml breastmilk per day is enough to show benefits" claim?

    @jaenalyn I would personally consider a 3 point IQ difference to be sufficient reason to breastfeed. For a scale with a mean of 100, 3 points is a large shift. However I don’t think it’s that simple or that large when other variables are factored in. We already know that in most studies of...
  8. G

    The studies for the "50 ml breastmilk per day is enough to show benefits" claim?

    @jesuslovesme527 It’s not that the studies aren’t well designed. It’s that the signal is already too weak to slice into even smaller pieces. Long term, there’s no confirmed difference at all. Short term it’s on the order of maybe one less illness, on average. So the outcome is statistical...
  9. G

    The studies for the "50 ml breastmilk per day is enough to show benefits" claim?

    @jesuslovesme527 I don’t think you will find what you are looking for. Research studies need a clear signal to measure, but for healthy full term babies it has long been difficult to demonstrate a clear breastmilk benefit at all. There is very little measurable difference in outcome between...
  10. G

    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @danmat777 I’m very much the type to not worry over every little thing. I’m not “granola”, and I don’t worry about environmental exposures much. I consider most such concerns overblown. This one is legit. I never accept receipts when offered the option, and haven’t for years. I don’t exactly...
  11. G

    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @pulickalbrothers Yes, we did. However this was back in the ancient times when it was considered safe to turn them at 12 months. Longer was already being recommended and I was aware of that, but we weighed the pros and cons and turned him. That worked. He’s still alive. But then again so am I...
  12. G

    Mother’s affection at 8 months predicts emotional distress in adulthood

    @damacri That isn’t in and of itself a design flaw. It’s very common to need to convert continuous variables into discrete - there’s often no way around it. Neurotypical vs autistic or ADHD, high fat vs low fat diet, authoritarian vs authoritative vs permissive parenting, etc etc. Sometimes you...
  13. G

    Appropriate consequence for preteen

    @mjkobe Tbh, you’re trying to begin using a “consequences” (punishment, as opposed to natural consequences) based approach right at the stage where many parents who have used it effectively in the past find that it stops working well. You don’t really have much of a foundation to build on as she...