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    Hunt, gather, parent

    @kc8vji You could get a kitchen helper/toddler tower and move it around wherever you want :) it’s just steps and a platform that is enclosed so they can’t fall out
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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    @citywolf Wow I have one child and am not even pregnant, but this comment totally made me tear up! Your daughter is lucky to have you
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    17 month old starting daycare: more short days or fewer full days?

    @nearu Yes naps can be so tricky! At this point he’s napping once a day so it simplifies things. As long as I can get him home without falling asleep in the car I should be okay though it is pushing his nap later than it’s been recently. It’s true that then I can only do stuff with him after...
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    17 month old starting daycare: more short days or fewer full days?

    @jimbobby2021 Hmmm interesting! I do think it might be odd to just work for 4 hours, but at the same time it’s possible I may like it. I can see how it may be stressful for some to have the day be split. I’m not really sure how I will react honestly. Very good point about consecutive days. I’d...
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    17 month old starting daycare: more short days or fewer full days?

    @katrina2017 Thanks for sharing your perspective! Definitely interesting to consider. I do find it stressful to leave the house sometimes even with one kid haha. So that is a good point. I’m not sure what they mean by shorter days either. I’m kind of assuming around 4 or 5 hours because that’s...
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    17 month old starting daycare: more short days or fewer full days?

    @sirgeorge Okay good to know! Yes he’s generally already on one nap per day. It does make the timing a bit tricky as I would need to get him before the nap
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    17 month old starting daycare: more short days or fewer full days?

    @elisjohn Thanks for this! Very interesting. I’ve read the critical science article but think I need to go over it again. I do remember the cortisol part which I found quite alarming :( I’ll check out that other paper as well Cool to hear from someone doing this schedule! I’m leaning in this...
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    17 month old starting daycare: more short days or fewer full days?

    @dandalf Thanks! I have read this but will give it a read again.
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    17 month old starting daycare: more short days or fewer full days?

    @donell True. I’m leaning in this direction :)
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    17 month old starting daycare: more short days or fewer full days?

    I’m going back to work soon after being home with my LO who is almost 17 months. I’m going to be starting a new job and am lucky that it’s very flexible, part time and super close to home. I’m really nervous about my son being in daycare as he’s very attached to me and pretty slow to warm up...