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  1. R

    Facetiming a 1 year old

    @storieman Hate FaceTimes! So incredibly selfish of the parent and does not serve the kids well, quiet the opposite. Since this would benefit only her and not your baby, what about offering to send her pictures or a video daily instead?
  2. R

    Am I overreacting

    @tsomnlie Um NO, you are not overreacting. With the history you mentioned and an unaddressed injury during his time, your son is at risk with him. A concussion!?! Poor little guy, hope he’s ok and glad this was reported to the CPS.
  3. R

    Never expected clothes to be something stressful….

    @jd14234 Keep cloths seperate and always return the ones the kids come in back at school exchange or wherever that is. It’s easier that way in my situation! If a stain happens, that’s just par for the course, nothing can be done there. I would personally rather cloths be returned dirty then...