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  1. W

    Little guy is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Any last minute tips or advice?

    @corderadegracia This!!!! I come back to read these comments every once in a while because you guys have really answered every question before I thought of it!! The pee! It’s wild. This baby has peed on his own head 4 times in the past 2 days. Sometimes in the middle of the night I forget to...
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    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    @qualeym My little guy is SO sleepy! He’s definitely my kid haha. Yes! I find that he cries and it’s not that he’s wet or cold or hungry, is when he startles himself awake and he realizes he’s not being held. Their startle reflex is wild!!
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    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    @seekermig Now I say I can’t wait but I’m sure in a couple months I’ll miss the sleepyhead days😂😂😂
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    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    @nickodack69 That’s so interesting and I’m so glad that worked!! Fortunately or unfortunately I’m not on any medications, I think he’s just a sleepy guy!
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    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    @19john54 Thank you SO SO much!! He’s 10 days old now and he’s a little more interested in the world around him than he was a few days ago but he’s still a sleepy lil guy. We wake him to feed and try to keep him up for a little bit after that but something about nursing just puts him right to...
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    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    @theanomaly Aww you have a new lil guy also, congrats!! It’s SO crazy how quickly they change, I’m already seeing such a difference and he’s only 6 days old🥹
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    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    @confusedbuthopeful Thank you!!! You’re so right for number 4! They’re literally brand new to the world experiencing everything for the very first time🥹🥹🥹
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    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    @auxiron Thank you! We actually had a little bit of a rough start with feeding so he’s just now starting to gain back some of the weight :) he’s just a sleepyhead I guess! Okay yes they had told us no tummy time on the floor until his cord falls off but I had just taken it to mean no tummy time...
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    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    Ftm to a 5 day old! I have a couple of questions that I will be asking my pediatrician at his next visit but curiosity was getting the best of me and figured I’d ask here since you guys seem so knowledgeable and good at this 1) Can they sleep too much? My little guy is probably sleeping close...
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    Little guy is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Any last minute tips or advice?

    @dac Every 20 minutes?? When does he sleep???? Thank you for the heads up haha and THANK YOU for the well wishes :)
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    Little guy is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Any last minute tips or advice?

    Update: he’s here!! What a crazy 48 hours it’s been. I’m so in love with him already. Thank you all SO MUCH for all your words of wisdom and advice. I read every single one of them and truly learned something new from each. Tonight is the first night at home… little dude is fed, diaper changed...