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    Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

    @olivemcr I just got mine back last month.. which I am so sad about that but my toddler is 21 months old and I breastfeed on demand which is anything between 2-5 times a day and throughout the night.
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    Tell me I’m not a bad parent

    @dan54fis To add onto this, my toddler just had a diaper rash no long ago and I read on a comment somewhere that after cleaning their bum area, to let it air dry, then LATHER them with Desitin (purple one) and on top of that, add a THICK layer of Aquaphor, be super generous with it.. to the...
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    Tell me I’m not a bad parent

    @humblewatchman I am not OP but I just want to say, that must have been so hard!! I cannot imagine the stress it may have caused. You are amazing for knowing what would have helped at the time, in this case, screen time. I would have panicked for sure 😭