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  1. J

    6 weeks old, and I’m ready to crumple

    @griffin71 6 weeks was my lowest low. It was TOUGH. She’s 6 months now and occasionally she has sleepless nights (teething, milestones, etc) BUT so feel so much better because I didn’t just give birth. You’re still doing a lot of healing. You are in the trenches. It does get better. You’re doing...
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    Waiting for the right time..

    @badone As someone who struggling with infertility, I wouldn’t make plans around a potential pregnancy. I also wish we would have tried TTC early because of the time it took. You never know when it will happen so keep on living!
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    @katrina2017 That sounds like our first! Our daughter was very much the same.
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    @cr0011 Thank you!!! This sounds very much like how I think through having another.
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    Hi everyone! We (30yr F, 37yr M) have a beautiful 9 month old girl and I was so sure I’d be one and done in the newborn phase, but I’m suddenly feeling differently about it. Sure, there are benefits to OAD and struggles to have 2 (like if one baby cries at night, doesn’t it wake up the other...