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  1. K

    Bilirubin level of 450μmol/L at 8 days

    @violetchifanwithgod456 This is really reassuring. Thank you for sharing 😊
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    Bilirubin level of 450μmol/L at 8 days

    @violetchifanwithgod456 Thank you for the info. Do you happen to have a link to those studies?
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    Bilirubin level of 450μmol/L at 8 days

    @violetchifanwithgod456 The first test was 110 and second test, which was just prior to discharge was 135. Prior to discharge, we were advised that baby had jaundice but was considered low/intermediate risk and that jaundice will likely resolve on its own.
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    Bilirubin level of 450μmol/L at 8 days

    @violetchifanwithgod456 Thank you for your reply. At discharge, the direct test for ABO incompatibility was negative. Bilirubin levels was 135 umol/L at discharge. However, when the bilirubin levels spiked later on day 8, they did an indirect antiglobulin test which was positive. Baby was...
  5. K

    Bilirubin level of 450μmol/L at 8 days

    Our newborn had a blood test performed at 8 days which showed very elevated bilirubin levels of 450. Phototherapy was started immediately which was effective in reducing the levels to normal range. I have two questions: Given the high level of bilirubin, what are the chances of permanent brain...