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  1. F

    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @alexnobi Second this. My MIL has HSV and asked if we had any rules while she visited when our kid was 10 months. My one rule: no kissing (goes for anyone, not just her). She immediately tried to ask for an exception. We should've told her right then and there not to bother visiting. She ended...
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @katrina2017 yeah, I'm sure it isn't a common occurence, I was just very unlucky. But it has made me far more conscientious when I do get outbreaks (which are thankfully very infrequent). I mask up as soon as I notice a cold sore erupting (even pre-COVID.)
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    Unvaccinated Nanny

    @graceseeker164 My understanding of the vaccine is that it was never intended to produce a durable or reliable immune effect against COVID, but rather to quickly and effectively produce some level of immunity in a largely naive population. This had myriad benefits, especially before Omicron hit...
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @katrina2017 It's been a while so I don't remember exactly but I believe 2 or 3 days later. I couldn't immediately tell it was a cold sore, at first it didn't hurt and just felt like weirdly textured skin. Then at some point it changed color and started looking similar to the sore my cousin had...
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    Unvaccinated Nanny

    @lauriesinglemom So this is going to be an unpopular opinion on both fronts, but I actually think at this point in the pandemic the vaccine is only marginally beneficial. (And I say this as someone who enthusiastically had five shots before I got COVID and would do it again in a heartbeat.)...
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @katrina2017 I have no idea. I assume from aerosolized microdroplets? Or else fomite transmission from the food (there was a lazy susan) but I think this is far less likely as I was watching the dishes like a hawk and didn't touch anything that passed near my cousin. His sore probably covered...
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @katrina2017 No idea why you're being downvoted as this is true. I have a feeling the votes are being contaminated by overanxious parents vs people who think HSV should be normalized (even though I don't see anyone here stigmatizing it, just arguing for a baseline of prudence.) I've also gotten...
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @gloriabex Is it possible they had a small outbreak but maybe somewhere less visible/noticeable, like inside their lip? Not saying you are wrong at all, just that they would have had to be shedding virus to have infected you, so it's a bit alarming that this is possible with no symptoms at all...
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @msavage Your mom absolutely sucks. I would cut contact immediately. Her actions are disgusting. I hope your little one doesn't get sick. I was sick in bed with a fever from a cold sore recently and my kiddo gave me a smooch on the cheek to make me feel better 😭 I scrubbed her with soap. I...
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @bht I didn't say anything about the relative long-term risk, just that you don't need to put it directly in your mouth for there to be a significant increase in blood BPA levels. I don't think it's been well-studied enough to determine absolute risk to health at this point.
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @bht You don't need to eat it. It can absorb through your skin or transfer to your food after.
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @msavage COVID can also have lifelong effects, despite not being a lifelong latent infection like HSV. Your mom sounds like a terror. She lacks empathy, and is probably unsafe for anyone to be around, let alone you and your little one. I would go back to no contact and seek a maternal...
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @fundyden Ugh. Someone would need to take 100% accountability and own up to it all on their own for me to think they were remotely safe or trustworthy for me to have my child around ever again. Sorry this happened to you.
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @fundyden Wow. Those are astronomical levels of carelessness. Are you still in contact with your father now? I also got HSV through indirect contact with a relative. Nothing like what your father did though, my cousin came to a family dinner with a massive weeping sore when I was a teenager. I...
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    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @faith33 Love this. People don't seem to make a distinction between temperament and parenting and it makes for frustrating interactions.