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    Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

    @craftygirl Haha yess!! Adding my long ass thingie to the original post, happy to answer any questions!!
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    Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

    @sirrob Glad that what you're doing is working! It'll get better one way or another with time. x
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    Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

    @sirrob Sorry to hear it didn't work for you? Did you end up doing a consult with them? Wondering how that went if you did...
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    Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

    @crismate88 Yay!! Great to connect. We used the huckleberry app for the first few weeks of implementing possums, just to see if my son had any kind of natural nap rhythm and lo and behold he did! I'm like wow if I just get out of this kid's way, he does exactly what I need him to do. Amazing.
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    Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

    Update!: For those asking about my experience, I’m going to do my best to concisely explain the main points of the approach, and add my personal experience as well. Possums is a sleep research institute that focuses on maternal well being, breastfeeding, and infant/toddler sleep (and how these...
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @%C3%87ocukoloji For night weaning, I (mostly) followed Jay Gordon's method. It's very attachment parenting friendly: From their site, Possums are "leaders in evidence-based support of breastfeeding, baby sleep...
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @omnitude Our thought was it’s better to have it and not use it than not have it. I figured it would be a low-pressure way to introduce it/get him excited about it. And we could use it for naps to start. I got him super cute sheets with cars on them and once I put the sheets on he was so...
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @pak Thank you! And I already miss nursing SO much (we recently fully weaned). Soak it up!
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @apphia It's good that you kind of have an idea of what's going on. I agree with the teething thing, my son got his first at 4 months and just recently got some more. I'm like honestly kid how many teeth do you need?? I'm not an expert by any means, but I have been leaning on shakes to help my...
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @apphia You got this! The time is going to pass almost too quickly! Is she teething? If not, I would consider some of the possums tips, especially capping daytime naps and trying to wake up earlier in the morning and at the same time every day.
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @brehar You got this!! Trust yourself and your baby. They will naturally sleep deeper and for longer stretches as they grow. Generally, waking up at the same time every day was a big help. That and getting some sunshine first thing in the morning. It helps regulate their internal clock and...
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @nickblack Haha! That is so awesome. Let's def stay in touch. I don't know anyone IRL who has even heard of possums. And like you said, it clicked right away. How old is yours now?
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @nickblack Thanks so much! I’m thrilled I was able to pay it forward because we felt the same about Possums. You’re well on your way! ❤️
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @kggg I actually looked it up (everything is such a blur!) and I guess it was back when he was 4 months old! I was told that I could sleep train at 5 months, so at 4 months the panic started setting in haha
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @kggg Generally as an infant (up to i'd say maybe 6 or 8 months?) we contact napped in bed, or wore him, or had him sleep in the stroller on a breezy walk. But mostly contact. As he got older, I followed Possums program in terms of general practices, these included napping in a regularly lit...
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    This is also kind of an update to the previous post I made about Possums sleep program. I had to make this post because of how nervous and anxious I was about my baby’s sleep. By around 4 months, I was certain we would not be sleep training even though I thought (before he was born) that we...