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  1. M

    One bedroom apartment with a 3 y.o?

    @debbiedee I considered this while I was in law school as a single mom. My plan was to give her the bedroom and use the living room like a studio apartment, with a futon, couch bed, or Murphy bed if possible. That way we would still have functional living space but also our own sleeping/personal...
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    Accepted my fate that I am just a vessel for my kids and this lifetime will be spent living in the shadows. Single mother of 4, 30 y/o

    @acts2031 My stepmom married my dad in her 40s. She had four kids, two still living at home. He had five kids, four still living at home. They’re happier together than they ever were before. Definitely gives me hope. Don’t give up!
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    So frustrated with my coparent

    @basilisk06 A parent wanting to spend every day with their child is not selfish. It’s evolutionarily beneficial to have such a deep bond. What would be selfish is to withhold that from the other parent. Admitting I was afraid to lose that time with my daughter doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have...
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    So frustrated with my coparent

    @katrina2017 I never said that. I was trying to explain her behavior, so I talked about mothers. I watched a documentary about this, actually. It came out in 2020 right before I gave birth. Mothers almost always form this deep attachment due to physical changes in the brain and hormones. It...
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    So frustrated with my coparent

    @joneshomes I think kids need good dads. Not having a dad is better than having a bad one. I didn’t think I could have kids, so obviously my pregnancy was unplanned. The father of my child didn’t even want me to keep the baby. He wasn’t involved in my pregnancy. He wouldn’t even respond to my...
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    So frustrated with my coparent

    @jesusismysavior Maybe instead of assuming the worst like seemingly everyone else, you could assume the best: your ex loves her child and misses her. Mothers often form an attachment that can make it difficult to be without their children. That doesn’t mean she’s trying to get more child support...