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  1. T

    I don’t like my daughter’s friend. And they’re 7

    @olly91 You're clearly a good mum. Maybe have a think on what tools you can give your daughter to help her deal with kids like this.
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    I don’t like my daughter’s friend. And they’re 7

    @olly91 Protecting your daughter from people you think are challenging just means she won't learn the tools to deal with them.
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    Does anyone have any subchorionic haematoma stories with a happy ending?

    @iamfree67 Had spotting at 5 and 6 weeks. Big bleeds at 18 weeks and 28 weeks (both resulting in emergency hospital visits - no interventions needed but at the 28 week one I was kept overnight for observation in case I went into early labour as apparently bleeding that late can trigger...