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  1. S

    Shared in my wife's FB Mom's Group

    @elijah3in1 Those things make me SO NERVOUS. “Make sure there are no blankets, toys, crib bumpers, ANYTHING in the crib in case of suffocation!!!! Here, put this string of beads around your baby’s neck, it’s fine!” Like, dude. I’m more concerned about my child being strangled by the beads!
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    So tired of being gaslighted when I say I had a traumatic birthing experience *TRIGGER WARNING*

    @katrina2017 This happened with my mom on the 4th go. She never had medication work in her favor… with me, it was given to her too late so it didn’t kick in until after I was born, my next sibling it was given too early and wore off before birth, number 3 she didn’t get it (I forget why) and...
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    Parents: Are any of you part of D.A.R.E.?

    @katrina2017 Quite honestly, I was in middle school when it happened, but from what I recall he had married a second woman in another town about 30 mins away. No idea how he managed it. It really sucked because he seemed like a pretty cool guy, and he graduated with my mom, so he'd been in town...
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    Parents: Are any of you part of D.A.R.E.?

    @amamames DARE fizzled out in my town when it turned out the officer in charge had a secret second family. Small town, huge scandal.