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    Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

    @katrina2017 As of late, I'm not too damn strict about my vegetarianism either and I think that's perfectly fine. For me, it's also chicken so I guess baby's in need of some protein and my doctor told me to have an eye on my carb intake in these few weeks anyway...
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @jlee_1227 You're very welcome!
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @boynee Aw thanks! I consider myself really lucky and I definitely was on the verge of transferring to the hospital. After all, it's all about having a healthy baby and momma at the end, right?
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @boysitinhnd94 Thanks!
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @jerry7 Thanks, it sure was hard and it's not like all was instantly forgotten once she was out but I'm very happy with the result!
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @kaieraai Thanks so much!
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @aryas Thank you and I hope you have the best experience! I think it's all about having the right support at your side. If you trust your doula/midwife/birth partner, you should be fine regardless the actual outcome.
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @johnboy99 Thank you, I'm happy/proud myself and would probably do it again like that although right after I was convinced that E is gonna be an only child...
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @jr47 She is, isn't she? ;) Thanks!
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @jccarlos26serra Thank you and yes of course you can!!
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    @katrina2017 Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! I'm feeling much better now, my circulation is back, the iron supplements work and I can finally pee w/o having to pour water over my ladybits... The first 5-7 days were the hardest.
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    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    Hello my cautious friends! It's taken me longer than expected but the last ten days have also been crazier, busier and more exhausting than I could have ever imagined. Spoiler: all's fine, we're very much in love and my recovery is going well, albeit slowly. Birth is an absolutely amazing...
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    [Birth Update] Miles is here!

    @littlemelittleu2 Yessss! You did it! Me and my hubby are so happy for you guys! Enjoy the magic and a huuuge congrats!