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  1. L

    9 year old broke our giant flatscreen tv in a fit of rage - What should we do?

    UPDATE!! he is now in therapy and my heart is very full knowing they are finally taking this first step to helping him in some way. he is such a sweet kid, w a heavy heart and a heavy conscience. i’m not just saying this - he is always trying to help people. my pregnant sister, he is always...
  2. L

    9 year old broke our giant flatscreen tv in a fit of rage - What should we do?

    @hillaryaya Yes, in fact Larry has also been diagnosed with ADHD, as well as my brother and I and our three other siblings and both our mother and father. It’s incredibly clear to me he, at the least, has ADHD and needs to be treated by a professional.
  3. L

    9 year old broke our giant flatscreen tv in a fit of rage - What should we do?

    @ericdude I agree! His father unfortunately also is very defiant. I’ve been trying to get him to see that by helping himself, he is in turn, helping his children.
  4. L

    9 year old broke our giant flatscreen tv in a fit of rage - What should we do?

    not sure if this belongs here, but I figured I’d try. TLDR at the end I live with my brother and his two sons (14 and 9). The kids have a giant 2008 or 2010 Samsung flatscreen TV that was previously in the living room before we got a new one last year. We didn’t want to throw it out, it still...