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  1. W

    I just feel sick

    @wayofthepromise I've got a lot of emotions about the possibility of getting pregnant this year, in a red state. Do I think I, a cis white middle class woman, am at risk of being jailed if I have a miscarriage? No, not really. And I can make it to a blue state if I need an abortion, God forbid...
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    I just feel sick

    @wayofthepromise I could hardly sleep last night. There was a woman jailed in Texas just a few weeks ago for "self induced abortion"--it was a miscarriage. Anyone who believes this can't affect you if you don't want an abortion is mistaken.
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    Not to be a hater but

    @dichthuatsaigon I don't think I have to use my vacation time on FMLA, but it's not like it's all that much--only three weeks/year and doesn't roll over. Sick time and "parental leave" (four weeks) do run concurrently with FMLA though so there's nothing I can do to run them out before leave lol.
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    Not to be a hater but

    @dbog It suuuuckssss! I can't get over how crummy the FMLA law is. SO many exceptions and caveats just for UNPAID leave. And then the fact that most companies with paid leave policies make you take your paid time and short term disability concurrently with FMLA. Like, come ON can't you at least...
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    Freezing your eggs? Non-monogamy curiosity?

    @neophyte365 I've read that it's a lot more effective to freeze embryos than eggs. A lot of eggs don't survive the freezing and thawing process. If you make and freeze embryos with your partner, and later end your relationship, I'm not sure the legalities of whether you can transfer that embryo...
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @jasonvr Curious about why the extra iron, D3, and vitamin C beyond the prenatal? Are you starting all of these pre-pregnancy? I know I've heard it's common to need more iron while pregnant but I think I'm going to stay away from it unless I test low, because it seems like it often causes...