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  1. C

    Ew, baby, your diapers STINK - Help me fix this!

    @amirmark Thanks for the advice! Fluff Love is my CD bible, and I've been following their suggested routine....which is why I'm not sure what I need to tweak. This is my first strip too, so I'm nervous. I'm just assuming a strip is necessary because of our hard-as-diamonds water, even though...
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    Tired of disposable overnight diapers for my (daytime) potty trained 2.5 y old. Thinking of switching to cloth diapers and need advice

    @predestinedforglory We have some cloth pull-up type diapers. I pull them out every now and then, use them for a few nights, and then get super irritated and pack them away again. They leak, they are hard to keep clean (get stinky soooo fast and it’s not like you have a full diaper laundry load...
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    Ew, baby, your diapers STINK - Help me fix this!

    @rudolph Wait, I don't get it. Less soap? And an extra rinse? This goes against everything I've ever believed about washing cloth diaps! I mean, I'll try it, but I'm skeptical...
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    Ew, baby, your diapers STINK - Help me fix this!

    Yesterday, I noticed that baby's diapers (prefolds) smelled a little barnyard-y when wet (uh oh). This morning, they smell like barnyard AND ammonia (double uh oh!). Obviously, I will strip and bleach ASAP. But I need help tweaking my wash routine (HE washer). Typical wash routine: 1) Prewash...
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    Camping with an infant?

    @ecclesiastian Seconding the pack n play for sleep. We did this many, many times with my littles and it worked great, but it does require a bigger tent. They do make little pop-up portable mini-crib things, but if the tent is big enough I’d just bring the whole damn pnp. The hard thing with...
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    All Things Rashy

    @brnicholas Just chiming in with a diaper cream suggestion: calmoseptine. This stuff is the bomb, we pull it out whenever there’s a rash that lasts longer than a day or two (not cloth safe, though, so needs a liner or ‘sposies!)