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  1. I

    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    @lesbian5eva My mom was an overnight labor and delivery nurse and my dad was an engineer -office job 8-5. My mom would come home and zonk for a few hours. It worked well while we were young.
  2. I

    Unhelpful husband

    @rubbles Weaponized incompetence potentially?
  3. I

    How did my mom do it

    @jackmanali This 10000%
  4. I

    Do people with kids work *harder*?

    @whitm11 I see similar but I also chalk it up to experience-I have two tweens and after log in after hours to finish or get ahead on my work…..because I have the life experience to understand the bigger picture more. However I do completely see your point and validity….the worst is I work in a...