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    Close Before You Doze!

    @jessie_jones_godlover whole cable scale jobless fanatical license payment ink coherent reach This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact
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    Close Before You Doze!

    @pfinn555 tidy bewildered offbeat shame cobweb bear capable gold dinosaurs exultant This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact
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    Close Before You Doze!

    @ruthie24 onerous fly jar zesty joke engine ludicrous screw ad hoc worry This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact
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    Close Before You Doze!

    @jollybriston frame joke wrong unpack ghost long tender soup shy husky This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact
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    Close Before You Doze!

    @adrienne I've definitely had toddlers pull those off before it was safe to have them wandering the house unfortunately. Our current apartment has lever door handles that I've never found one for. Edited to add: I also don't see how these or baby gates, both of which are commonly recommended...
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    Close Before You Doze!

    @jollybriston ghost weary quack close distinct wrong narrow fall decide gold This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact
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    Nurse suggested diluting formula as measure against constipation in 7-week old - is this as bad of an idea as I think?

    @holy_venom95 Are you preparing formula from powder? If so, you might want to try preparing from weight instead of volume. We found that a scoop of formula usually had more formula in it than it was supposed to and the markings on our bottles were too small. After weighing everything we realized...
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    So glad we did cloth diapers - r/all had a room full of disposable diapers

    @ashley678 Meanwhile my 10 month old is in 4s, and he isn't even large for his age. It is just how they fit I guess. I need to go back to cloth more often but all the stuff I had for him when he was little just isn't cutting it anymore.
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @andrew36 Same here! Though my son as a baby is way more mellow than either of his sisters were, so maybe he was more chill before he was born, too. I will never know.