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    Anyone else nervous about taking leave?

    @none001 Ok, I yell about this to everyone who will listen. There is such thing as male privilege, and you should work to undo the idea that just because of someone's gender, they are better or worse at work because of it. Everyone should be assessed on their skills/abilities, not conditions...
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    Easy activities that I can do with my 3.5 yo

    @katrina2017 We have both "brand" and several "off brand" sets and they all work well together! They "brand" ones have slightly stronger magnets in them, as far as I can tell, but the kids can't seem to tell the difference. That is part of why I like them - it doesn't really matter what set...
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    Easy activities that I can do with my 3.5 yo

    @saltlamp They can get pretty pricey but they are favorite toys for my oldest son (who is now 7) and my twins (3.5). We started getting them when my oldest was about 2 and he has consistently played with them since, and my twins love them as well. They are also easy to clean up and mess free...
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    Nagging thought baby is not mine?

    @trendsetter She was ready! Congrats dad!
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    Nagging thought baby is not mine?

    @acmb0101 Yes, it could also be a bit of the "Wow, I didn't know I had such power, I can't believe I created life!" that happens too. Its a huge step and its honestly a really great sign that you are thinking through these feelings and seeking input from people who have gone before you...
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    Tell me I’m not “giving up” or a failure. Feeding 4 day old twins

    @igbokwe I don't see how anyone keeping twins alive could ever be a failure. Do what works for you.
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    Nagging thought baby is not mine?

    @acmb0101 This is really, really common. The older you get and the more people you know who start or try to start families will have similar stories. People will try for YEARS with nothing then suddenly, pregnant. Other folks will not necessarily be trying and become pregnant. They told my wife...
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @halo235689 Midnight… when everyone is asleep
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    Does your working partner help overnight?

    @daisy83 When I was the working parent I got up for nighttime feedings and to help out. We did the shift thing and that worked really well for us. It sucks, for sure, being tired at work but 1) it also sucks be tired, at home, with kids and 2) its hard work all day long so the idea that...
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    For those of you who had options, what made you pick the SAHP life?

    @theinvisibleman30 I was only a stay at home parent for a short time, so I don't really feel qualified to answer, but this was it for me. I'd been grinding 12+ hours days at my job for years, then they just one day said "That's enough, thanks!" and I realized that my career was just something I...
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    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @sophie0813 I think its easy for anyone, especially men though, to get caught up in work. Work is predictable, uses standard language, and provides immediate gratification. Think about that, compared to being with young children...little kids are random and moody and require constant attention...
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    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    @ladyghosthunter I'm also a lawyer and have some thoughts. First of all, for what its worth, I went to a TTTT school and finished right around the middle of my class. I currently make $250k per year and work 50-60 hours per week, plus I get benefits, 401k, equity grants, etc. Strength of law...