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  1. F

    I am desperate!!!

    @katrina2017 Turns out the itching was normal healing but it was so intense that was masking a kidney infection! I started running a fever (something I never usually get)... anyway a round of antibiotics later I’m all good, except for a cold! The joys of older kids in school!
  2. F

    I am desperate!!!

    @piecebypeace I have. They said to call the local L&D at the hospital... 😒.. I could literally hear the nurse shrug through the phone and say wait until my doc was back tomorrow.
  3. F

    I am desperate!!!

    I am 4 days postpartum. I woke up fine this morning but after I ate breakfast I had this urgency to go pee. I had peed this morning but when I sat down there was nothing there. The feeling didn’t go away!! It’s not a burning sensation, it’s more like. I’m on the I either have to pee the worst...