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  1. L

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @katrina2017 I wouldn't say waiting 3 minutes of crying is "sleep training". I'd so most people are waiting much longer than that.
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @fassy Ok so wait a tiny bit to see if they find their lovey and if they don’t then console them. That’s not what people are doing tho. They are letting them cry even if they lovey isn’t found or doesn’t work.
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @loadedcafe The pain I’m referring to is the literal crying the baby has to do because you don’t console them.
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @fassy I definitely don’t think it’s good for a baby to cry and be ignored. They slowly learn how to put themselves back to sleep without crying naturally with age and as their brain evolves. My 3 year old and 5 year old sleep just fine. It’s not like they won’t learn how to sleep if you don’t...
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @loadedcafe You don't think that baby cares whether or not you console them when they are crying? Or are you saying they do care but won't care when they are older so the improved sleep for me is worth the babies pain since they won't remember it when they are older?
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @fassy I agree children need to sleep. I don't agree that the best way to put them back to sleep is by letting them cry. They are crying for a reason. They need mommy or daddy. I would not want them to think we are ignoring them, that is mean. We either console them or give them milk and they go...
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @truthalwaystold You won't be sleep deprived if you just wake up and breast feed the baby. I didn't say they would be in therapy. I just said it's mean.
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @alex4u Eventually what has to happen either way?
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @alex4u I think it's mean to ignore your child crying. They are saying "mommy and daddy, I need help!". They are just babies, not adults.
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @seosmooze Exactly.
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @carra They will learn this naturally as they get older like our kids have. Our 3 and 5 year old sleep through the night just fine and we never let them cry it out. We are very happy we didn't ignore them. Our sleep getting interrupted did not hurt anyone besides us just being a little more...
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @carra Some people like myself don’t think it’s nice or good for the kid to ignore their crying.