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  1. P

    Moms! How did you decide if you wanted a vaginal birth or a C-section?

    @komdiarect I didn't get to choose. Baby A was breech and so I went with a planned C-section. Turned out to be a good thing because Baby B was head down but she had a knot on her cord and my OB said she would've never made it out the birth canal. So I would've ended up with a C-section anyway...
  2. P

    Feelings you’d have twins..?

    @twinmum I dreamt that my husband and I were in an RV with our oldest and then there were two babies the same age. I woke up and told my husband not really thinking too much about it. But, I had also dreamt years prior about being pregnant with our oldest when we weren’t trying and because of...
  3. P

    Birth at 38 weeks?

    @quaheem I made it to 38+5 (or 6? It’s all a blur). I took plenty of naps during the last couple of months. Rested as much as possible. The last week I was basically horizontal since I would get out of breath so easily. Pregnancy was super smooth. Only scare was that I lost my mucus plug at...