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  1. N

    My Chinese grandmother threatened to hit my son.. and refuses to apologize

    @dlynn Came here to mention something similar but you worded it so nicely! We cannot remove all not so great people from our kids lives, so it's good to give them mental tools to deal with it (even as simple as saying "grandma was mean because she thinks this is how one should treat children, I...
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    I need some advice

    @angouleme1 Please stay safe. She is your friend normally but she is not well now and you have a duty to protect yourself and your unborn first before trying to help her. If you know she is in therapy you could try contacting her therapist and letting them know about her behaviour.
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    I need some advice

    @angouleme1 She sounds like she has some mental health issue going on that shows as obsession with your baby. You told her to back off and she didn't, so you should cut her out more strongly - stop meeting her and talking to her completely until you know from other friends that she is in better...
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    I need some advice

    @angouleme1 Wow, she is mental in a scary way. Please find some way of distancing yourself from her (in radical way if needed) before it escalates.
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    Would you schedule a C-section if you technically don't need to (health-wise)?

    @iamgr8tful I opted for vbac because my cs recovery was shit, I didn't want the repeat of that with toddler in mix and I wanted more babies (each cs makes pregnancy and birth more risky). If you want the baby out, you can try asking for induction instead of straight to cs (and hopefully will...
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    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    @sarebear1992 2 years seems insane if you don't know the details on how it actually looks for toddlers - many will nurse twice a day, once in morning and once before going to sleep. And for many women that would be actually doable. It is not at all the same as with kids below 12 months.
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    Recommendations on Complementary Food Introduction Among Pediatric Practitioners

    @sbrodhagen I'm curious as well. My main takeaway so far is that you are likely to find doctors recommendations clashing with each other if you go for second opinion on weaning / foods introduction. Perhaps this suggests that there is no substantial benefit (or loss) from starting with some food...