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  1. R

    Reassurance, please! Test progression question

    @stevekolt I didn’t really confirm ovulation. Just assuming that ovulation was the day after I got my positive OPK/static smiley.
  2. R

    Reassurance, please! Test progression question

    @lukshard Thank you for your reply! I’m in the UK and unfortunately HCG is not checked and monitored here routinely so it’s not something I can ask for. They’re only checked if there are concerns about the pregnancy. That then leaves us with nothing to do but put all our hope into watching...
  3. R

    Reassurance, please! Test progression question

    As I cannot post pics here, here is a post I just made with picture references! Prefacing this by saying I’m a very anxious person in general and experienced a CP two months ago hence the worry and seeking reassurance 🙃 On 11DPO I got the faintest of faint positives on a FRER. In fact it took...
  4. R

    Your honesty please! FRER progression and stalling tests?

    Hi! I’d love your thoughts on my line progression please. I’ve posted it here and would be super grateful if you could take a look. I’ve noticed my tests look to have somewhat stalled, and on some tests even look a little lighter. Seeing others get their dye stealers around 15/16/17 DPO...