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    Boy is willing to brave extreme cold

    @mbraun Ah he’s love struck
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    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    Daughter is 15 and all her friends parents allow their boyfriends to come to their houses for sleepovers in the same room/ bed. I checked with other mum friends outside this particular group - also allow boyfriends to sleepover. Am I old fashioned or what - 15 seems a bit young to me to be...
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    Teen retaliation

    @scottwilson You know a strange thing happened to me - I lost the ability to raise my voice/shout after getting covid. Life is so much better without shouting, much calmer. You approach stuff in different ways. Strip it back to the beginning - is your house a happy place? It is important that...
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    Teenage son things random small talk is pointless between parent and kid

    @metsuko I’m 46 and my mum still talks trivial stuff to me - but now I find it kinda cute 🥰
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    Teen retaliation

    @scottwilson I’m no soft touch. But I think you both need to step back. You mention that you are willing to give him more control, which is a start. The rule can be that you’ll remind him once to do his homework and make time available for him to do it then back off entirely with no reminders...
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    How do I parent my introverted daughter?

    @sunnyhope You know some people are just a bit quiet and shy. It’s okay they meet and find other quiet and shy people and have a lovely time together. The worst thing is when the loud people try and make you loud whereas you are quite content doing your own thing. As she matures she’ll find...
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    AITA - Dinner time

    @convictionofgod Persevere with family meals. Not sure how you serve the food but perhaps try putting the food in the centre of the table so everyone helps themselves so it’s a bit more relaxed and the teens are more in control of how much of each thing.
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    Teen retaliation

    @scottwilson Poor you what a nightmare. His behaviour seems so childish and petty. I also think you also might need to give him more control over his life. I think you need a mature conversation with him and a reset
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    16 y/o sleeps all day, seems depressed

    @thecore1234 All sounds normal 16 yr old behaviour. He just needs a little shove to go out and do stuff. Even with good mates sometimes teens just can’t get it together to make arrangements. My daughter got a part time job and that was great for her self confidence and having sthg to do. I hope...
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    Anyone had experience discovering their teen is in a self-harm pact?

    @csi40 Self harm pacts are there to ‘prove’ your toughness and how hard you are. Maybe try and get him into the gym or into boxing/ martial arts so ge can prove his strength in another way.
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    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    @giobob Oh heck. This sounds a terrible situation. It sounds like drastic measures are needed. Don’t let this continue. Sounds like he needs to go into rehab and have a complete reset.