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    How many days in preschool?

    @peaceron 4 days is great. So is five. That whole alternate day stuff is such an American thing (to me, from EU, living in the US). She is doing 2.5hrs/ day. That’s perfect. She can learn the routine and not have every day be “Monday”. (For reference, my kid goes 5x/ week, 3hrs/day). It’s been...
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    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    @yoshinat0r The only reason not to is if you don’t want to 🤷‍♀️ it’s perfectly fine to do and perfectly normal for baby to want to. As long as you are cool with it, it’s fine.
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    Took my BBT too early. Any tips?

    @cgstar4 In the end it doesn’t actually matter 🤷‍♀️ You just record it and make note of the difference in time/ sleep pattern and see how it compares to future temps. I get that it’s easy to obsess over but in the end it… just doesn’t matter because the body does whatever it does anyway. It may...
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    Are we using the carrier as a crutch?

    @sharz Even if you were (and you aren’t), it wouldn’t matter. It’s working for everyone. That’s what matters. Just make sure to follow safe sleep/ safe sleep seven, whichever apply. Seven weeks. Baby is barely out of the womb. They have been snuggled for nine months straight. It’s the babies...
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    Preschool before 3 y.o

    @katrina2017 This is literally not a problem if baby is exposed to people to socialize with - adults, parents, doesn’t have to be kids. My country, lots of kids don’t start preschool until four and it’s no problem at all 🤷‍♀️ Mine is 16 months and since we live in covid USA, won’t be going...
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    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    @dooks Part time cloth is fine too? We did it in part for the trash. So much less trash going to landfill. If I lived where I am from (all trash goes to the incinerator and gets used for heat), I’d honestly not have cared as much. But I live in US and every cloth diaper I used was one less on...
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    Infant Probiotics: B. Lactis or L. Reuteri?

    @coffeeclaw_1986 Fwiw, our pediatrician said for long term use (which we are doing), so switch between strands and types for different exposure. She said there is no need to always stay with the same one. We are switching between like four or five different ones, whatever I can find in store at...