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  1. J

    Should I have a 4th child?

    @kjv4me Yes that’s one of my concerns exactly. My whole life I was waiting for the babies to come. Anticipating being a mother kept me going in life when I had major challenges. Then the babies came. But now what if it’s over?
  2. J

    Should I have a 4th child?

    @only1grace I’m going to talk to my husband again about donating the embryos. That’s really what I want to do if we are done. I don’t agree with the idea of storing them forever, I prefer closure. I really think giving someone else the chance to be a parent through our donations would be a...
  3. J

    Should I have a 4th child?

    @calpastor Apparently uterus looks good and it’s not a problem to have a 4th, per OB. Though I completely recognize its major surgery. I have no lasting effects from the prior 3 c-sections except for the scar. My body feels great - I look roughly the same as I did pre child. So part of me does...
  4. J

    Should I have a 4th child?

    My husband (45) and I (40) have three kids ages 10, 6 and 2. IVF was needed for child 1 and 3 and we have left over frozen embryos (up to 3 viable ones, created when I was 28). I love being a mother. It’s the highlight of my life and all I’ve ever really wanted. (I’m also an attorney with a...