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    my 27 week baby passed away due to infection

    @paulmalan I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.
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    Husband forgetting to turn oxygen on

    @jd011089 They didn't for us in the US and I hated it.
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    PPROM at 33.1 weeks B/G twins

    @archeologistica Singleton but made it 5 weeks after PPROM with complete rupture. Baby came home at equivalent of 38 weeks and turns 5 next month! Perfectly healthy and happy. Good luck you’ve got this!
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    Struggling with your baby wrap? Maybe this will help!

    @rrios4611 Yeah, and mine likes to be patted pretty hard! I think the first time my MIL saw me do it she thought I was frustrated with the baby. 🙈
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    My 1y/o eating/biting anything and everything in sight

    @mileback No advice only solidarity. I recently googled asking when this phase ends despite this being my second child. 😅
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    They called us in for the conversation we very NICU parent dreads

    @szilvia I am all for palliative care. That being said the way you are describing this to us gives me pause and I’d wait before yo made any decisions. Your doctor frankly sounds like an ass. You know your kid best and the way you described her and said she already interacts with you makes me...
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    Struggling with your baby wrap? Maybe this will help!

    @skendit I actually hate FWCC! I find kangaroo easier. We definitely need more practice though. We have a long way to go. Most days I just use my meh tai because it’s easier.
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    Struggling with your baby wrap? Maybe this will help!

    @bvl Stretchy or woven wrap? :D Also... that's a great idea. She does love facing out but I never do that at bedtime! I'll try it, thanks!
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    Struggling with your baby wrap? Maybe this will help!

    @bvl It sometimes takes a bit for them to realize you're not going to drop them! Soothing them by patting their bum or bouncing until they settle (might take a few minutes) and doing it daily for as long as they tolerate is a good place to start! My baby loves the wrap but would scream bloody...
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    Struggling with your baby wrap? Maybe this will help!

    @johnelias3773 There's tons of resources (in English) for wovens! Just when I hear "wrap" I think of woven.
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    Struggling with your baby wrap? Maybe this will help!

    @thomas15 Just an FYI for those who may not want to click the link, this is a STRETCHY wrap tutorial, not a woven. Edit: And good for you, OP! It's great once you get the hang of it, isn't it?
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    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @saintvron Pretty much zero
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    Travelling with 8 months (6.5 months corrected)

    @jesusiscomingbacksoon It depends on where you’re going! I live in France and traveled a lot in Europe, so if you want to let me know where you’re going I might be able to help. I got rid of my Cruz because it was too big but again it will depend on where you go and what you’re doing. Feel free...
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    C-section recovery w NICU baby

    @mathman141 It’s a lot. I’ve done it twice now and my biggest tip is to tell the NICU staff what you need. A chair that’s easier to get in and out of, someone to help you up, an extra pillow…. or just time to rest in your room. It’s all okay to ask! Congratulations and hope you heal well and...
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    Travelling with 8 months (6.5 months corrected)

    @jesusiscomingbacksoon Make sure she’s up to date on her shots and ask the airline for a free bassinet seat for her. Make sure you know your health insurance options and bring medicine with you because sometimes OTC stuff in the US is hard to find here without a prescription. If she does get...
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    OAD with no daycare?

    @samolub My parents weren’t OAD but they sent my younger brother to daycare and kept me home (basically sent us both to school at the same time, I just happened to be 5 at the time and he was 2). I’d say I was definitely the one who did better in school and better socially, etc. Although he got...
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    PPROM Update - Birth Story (kinda positive!)

    @mrexpress Congrats!!!! I lasted 5 weeks (21-26 weeks). She’s now a kindergartener. I’m glad your story has a happy ending!