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  1. D

    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 4)

    @slicey Thank you SO much!! :)))))
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 4)

    @forwardslider Thank you so much!!!
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 4)

    @jimishasmom These are all great points! Thank you! I agree mood is definitely linked to moving and leaving the house. :) Thanks for the timely motivation (it’s supposed to be a beautiful day here). And thanks for sharing how you used short term goals! My overall goal is to produce enough milk...
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 4)

    Hello! I’m looking for encouragement and support from our amazing community. I started my relactation journey at 12 weeks postpartum. This community has been one of my motivating factors for trying again, so I hope you can cheer me on! You can ready my story here: Please help me succeed by...
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    Relactation Journey (2m Dry) Week 2: 300ml A DAY!

    @enilorac This is AWESOME!!! You are doing incredible work! It’s so amazing to see your daily total increase so quickly. I also understood relactation would take about double the amount of time dry - I’m glad this isn’t true (at least for you). :)
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @maintjie Wow, thank you for this!!! It’s super helpful to know using domperidone helped you and the side effects - all info out there is so “could, may cause…” And I’m glad it worked for you!!! Definitely something I’m going to consider!!
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @jimishasmom 2-3 days?!?! WOW. I’m definitely going to seriously look into taking it!!! Thank you for sharing your experience. There’s little info out in the world about people’s experiences.
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @maintjie lol!!!!! The visual of a hairy milky chest is making me crack up!!! I’m not sure I’m comfortable with taking medication (I’ve talked to my LC about Reglan and domperidome). It seems like the side effects can be intense? Do you know anything about this?
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @russtfence Thank you! :)
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @dori777 Thank you! How do you incorporate brewers yeast into your diet? Do you make special foods, or just sprinkle it on what you’re already eating? I see a lot of recipes out there but don’t have the time to bake cookies all day, ha!
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @seekshim Hello! I found my lactation consultant online - she has experience with relactation and induced lactation. DM me if you want her info. :) Alyssa Schnelli is a lactation consultant that hosts a free biweekly online group. I attended last week’s call - it was a supportive environment...
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    Hello! I’m looking for encouragement and support from our amazing community. I started my relactation journey at 12 weeks postpartum. This community has been one of my motivating factors for trying again, so I hope you can cheer me on! You can ready my story here: Please help me succeed by...
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Day 5)

    Hello! I’m looking for encouragement as I start my relactation journey at 12 weeks postpartum. This community has been one of my motivating factors for trying again, so I hope you can cheer me on! You can ready my story here: Please help me succeed by sending love and positive thoughts my...