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  1. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @csotoloco Jesus christ what crawled up your ass and made a bed?? 💀 I take great care of my baby and your opinion sucks. I don’t need luck from a sorry asshole when I’m already a good mom. Thanks though!
  2. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @csotoloco That is your opinion, and a pretty crappy one at that! There are plenty of moms who have gotten pregnant soon after giving birth and they’ve been amazing moms and are still able to give their kids all their love and attention even if it is difficult. Regardless, if you’d actually read...
  3. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @rosie4 We are very lucky! Our dude has had issues with bad gas from the start but we pretty quickly realized that’s what it was & learned some techniques to help him get it out. And he doesn’t suffer from reflux as long as we hold him upright for 20 min after eating. He still has his bad days...
  4. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @tomkool I hope you get that chance to have an enjoyable pregnancy!!
  5. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @padraig2003 I’m hoping my baby is one of the miracle babies that doesn’t go through sleep regressions since my MIL said her two never did.. 😂 Probably just wishful thinking though. I’m sure my tune will change at that point lol
  6. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @wolfgang85 Having a supportive partner makes all the difference! My husband is all in, he works 12 hours 3 days a week and the other 4 days he’s home with baby and is the most amazing father. I definitely wouldn’t be able to do it without him!
  7. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @sylivesteralmas I did gain some weight but a lot of that was because I graduated high school and stopped working out through sports. The majority of my weight gain was actually when I got off of it and got on the pill. I had the side effect of bleeding for several weeks straight but then it...
  8. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @david03 I’m just so terrified of IUDs bc I’ve heard how bad the insertion/removal can hurt 😬 & my doctor said with the bar I can continue breastfeeding and shouldn’t have any problems TTC immediately after taking it out, but maybe some people have? Idk I had it for 6 years before I got pregnant...
  9. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @david03 I want to so bad!!! The only reason I’m holding back is bc I’m starting with a new company and if I stay with them for a year I can get 12 weeks of paid leave. Sooo I might just try to get pregnant again to where I give birth right after that 1 year mark 😂 I’m scheduled to get the...
  10. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @jim35215 Yes same! I had gestational diabetes and it was AWFUL, I hated it. I also had prodromal labor which was painful and annoying and horrible pelvic pain. My labor wasn’t necessarily awful but I remember thinking during and after “I will NEVER do this again”….. and now here I am, totally...
  11. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @calvin_1985 Oh no, I’m so afraid my little angel will start becoming more difficult as he gets older.. hoping that’s not the case!
  12. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    @danit1999 I felt the same way the first 2-3 weeks but then things mostly got better. But watch me have a 2nd and it be a demon child😂
  13. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    Am I the only one? This is my first and all through pregnancy I was sooo ready for it to be over but now I miss feeling my LO kick in my belly so much. The first few weeks were definitely challenging but now we’re in a pretty good place and every time I think about getting pregnant again I get...