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  1. R

    Brezza x Bobbie - more formula than instructed

    @ghost13 See lots, and lots of posts in this sub about problems with the Brezza...
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @dpasek Considering people (myself included) for years have been EFF , and almost the entire generations of 70,80 babies were (If you could afford) I'm not really seeing huge issues out of large sections of the population. And that was well before they were adding anything like DHA to formulas.
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    Mixing 2 different formulas

    @h_hiltonhudson That is the way we did it as well. I know they say to do it separately but, why? If the measurements are the same all you are doing is substituting.
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @dpasek Over years... what you're saying is there is no economic, parental, social, or any other factors played into it. It was simply breastfed versus formula... They fed formula kids, and then they breastfed kids for one year. Stuck them in a time chamber got them out in 8 years and checked...
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @dpasek Nothing said it could not be done, an obstacle =/= impossible, it simply means it has some degree of difficulty; you need to weigh the difficulty vs the reward.
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @dpasek Did not realize that being "comfortable" was the only obstacle...thanks for the tip! What may be an option for some, does not mean it is an option for everyone.
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @mikailao20 As a husband myself did he not say anything? My wife just isn't able to breastfeed either (low supply), so we either formula feed or our baby starves; so that would be her suggestion? Myself I would have probably lit into her ass...and would want to know what her evidence is; people...