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  1. D

    Baby hates going to bed

    @anna67 I feel like she could absolutely do with more stimulation and outdoor time. Yours does sound a lot like mine. Our sleep schedule is very much just off her cues. Granted, I think part of the issue is that my husband is often convinced she’s tired. He comes home and she rubs her eyes and...
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    Baby hates going to bed

    @marleyandreed Lately I’ve started trying playing music while getting her ready. Seems to help. And yeah, that’s how I feel about being responsive, I feel like it’ll help me her be more independent and stable later down the road and it feels like the right thing to do.
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    Baby hates going to bed

    @godsdaughter78 I hadn’t even thought of adjusting bedtime, stupidly enough. I’ve done enough obsessing over her naps for her age, you’d think I would have. I guess because my friends kids all do about 11.5 hours. We did some adjusting today because we were out of town. Got her up a bit before...
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    Baby hates going to bed

    My eleven month old hates bedtime. She’ll start getting upset when she realizes we’ve started her bedtime routine. My husband and I go to bed when she goes to bed and she’s usually tired enough that she falls asleep nursing (she’s EBF), but not always, sometimes she tries to get bitey and I...