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  1. E

    Please recommend an easy to use stretchy wrap or similar for a newborn

    @brione I just Googled ring slings. There are some gorgeous fabrics! I feel like this is a dangerous thing to start browsing 😂 I want them all!
  2. E

    Please recommend an easy to use stretchy wrap or similar for a newborn

    @pashapotte Good point! I think I’m just nervous about the first few weeks with two and want to be ready but I’ll take that on board.
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    Please recommend an easy to use stretchy wrap or similar for a newborn

    @alexfrankone No, I accidentally lost my old Reddit account when I got a new phone but I got fit checks on here and it was all good. :)
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    Please recommend an easy to use stretchy wrap or similar for a newborn

    @alexfrankone Thanks, that’s good to know! I’ve not had to keep a hand on with either of the carriers we’ve used but I had heard other people say that and wasn’t sure if it was a fit issue or the type of carrier.
  5. E

    Please recommend an easy to use stretchy wrap or similar for a newborn

    @_h_ Thanks! I’ll take a look!
  6. E

    Please recommend an easy to use stretchy wrap or similar for a newborn

    Hi! My second baby is due in a few weeks. With my first son, we used a Moby wrap a lot around the house. I liked that it wasn’t very bulky so that I could do other tasks easily and it felt very snuggly. We used and loved our Ergo 360 when out and about and will use it this time as well...