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    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    @dmurrayfly I remember those days. Granny's can be quiet, they've long forgotten the broken sleep hell. You're doing great, it gets better.
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    $h!tting on other people's happiness

    @concretecamper Yeah, I don't post in those type subs because of the hate I got the one time I was looking for advice. Your kid sounds awesome. I'd be worried too about a 7 month old interacting with older toddlers as they don't always remember to be gentle or know how to control their...
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    I get so annoyed of hearing “wElL I dOnT kNoW hOw To HeLp UnLesS yOu aSk”…

    @roryrichards Oh, I fear my husbabd wrangling the kids while I fly up north in the near future to help my mom with my stepdad's end of life stuff. He is in for a huge dosebof reality of exactly what I do all day everyday. I'm just hoping the laundry gets halfway done and the kids eat.