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  1. T

    My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

    @crypticarts Yes! It's one of the reasons we had another one quickly (ours are 2 years apart.) I knew once we hit the twos, we would second guess having more. I had no idea that once we hit the threenager phase we would want to run screaming for the hills. Having another younger one has made...
  2. T

    My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

    @shmat This is the thing no one told me and I was not prepared for. The 2s I expected since everyone talks about them but they were still able to be parented. Why didn't anyone talk about the 3s? Why didn't they??!!!?
  3. T

    My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

    @mrcjd3 Ours are 2 years apart and have played together ever since my twins could hold the baby's attention. They haven't slowed down since. Send help.