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    Baby flipped to transverse at 39 weeks and now OB wants to schedule c-section without trying ECV

    @jsch Oh interesting! I wonder does that have anything to do with choosing more favourable cases and not attempting with less favourable ones? My understanding is that it’s typically around 50% as mentioned below. Or maybe there’s some new technique or something?
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    Baby flipped to transverse at 39 weeks and now OB wants to schedule c-section without trying ECV

    @cathyhlikesflowers Success rates of ecv is quite low, I think it’s about a coin flip. Even if you do end up getting the okay to one I would recommend getting comfortable with the possibility of a cesarean and challenging some ideas you MAY have about birth method. A cesarean absolutely can be a...
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    In case anyone needs it: this is the official permission post for parents living in places with sub-freezing weather to relax on screen time and food

    @1daysoon Hi yes I have gone out in that weather. That’s not the point I’m getting at. My response wasn’t meant to be about any specific person’s decision to go out any any specific temperature! No one needs my (or anyone’s) approval to stay in.
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    In case anyone needs it: this is the official permission post for parents living in places with sub-freezing weather to relax on screen time and food

    @carolny I had to google but it’s 3F here and feels like -15 so in the same neighborhood but yes a bit warmer! We went on a short walk, nothing crazy. But it was nice to get outside and have a bit of fresh air. That’s all!
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    In case anyone needs it: this is the official permission post for parents living in places with sub-freezing weather to relax on screen time and food

    @1daysoon Apparently/ I’m so-and-so 😅 Canadian here and I actually love getting out in the cold (while dressed warmly) and I hate to see people say they are “trapped” inside or that they “can’t leave their house” when it’s cold. If you are feeling stir crazy I want to assure you that you can go...
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    "butts aren't shaped like triangles" any toddler underwear shaped like Tiny Undies?

    @strange1 Butts are also not shaped like boxes? I’m so confused
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    Glass bottles keep cracking

    @pokerfaceblonde Yeah every baby is different. Mine took a cold bottle and then immediately puked the whole thing (only time he ever spit up like that).
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 There is a big difference between the fantasy and reality of a thing. I did ballet briefly as a tot but not seriously in any way. But honestly? What I would have enjoyed more than classes (paying attention! being quiet! repetition!!) would have been just the chance to wear the cute...
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @angelod Ohhhh this is familiar to me too. I remember seeing a post like that in the sub and being like “wow, childish” I probably responded too tbh.
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    Mother’s affection at 8 months predicts emotional distress in adulthood

    @jesrdking Tag yourself, I’m “extravagant” 😅
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    Quality over quantity?

    @jesusisking123 Yeah I love love love being a mom and being with my baby. When I go back to work it will be part time only for a while as well. I do get the sense that some people stop having more kids because they don’t like it but so not the case for me
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    Possums Sleep - Science Based?

    @guevaraj I confess to not being familiar with a lot of sleep training lit but my understanding was that Ferber was the originator of what most modern sleep training is? So Weissbluth may be familiar with circadian rhythms and able to speak on them but I don’t know that they necessarily play a...
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    Possums Sleep - Science Based?

    @guevaraj I don’t think Ferber and possums is an apples to apples comparison. Ferber is a behaviouralism-based intervention focused on decreasing the amount of crying/signalling during the night time. My understanding is that it is fairly effective in that goal for many babies. Possums is a...