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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @heatherlilly Thanks for sharing! Yes, I would imagine being put in charge of childcare as a child would create some resentment, but it's wonderful that it didn't seep into your relationship with them and that you're close.
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @mitchellh Thanks for sharing! Three sounds so ideal to me, but I think we're going to end up staying with our two, sadly. How many kids do you have, or want?
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @nehuge Thanks for sharing! I have two girls and making my youngest into the middle child gives me pause - she loves being the baby, and I worry that she'd feel "forgotten" like you did as the middle child and second girl! But agree that 3 sounds nice because there are more opportunities for...
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @angelina185 That's an interesting family dynamic, and the fact that the middle was babied is such a reversal of the stereotypical forgotten middle child/coddled youngest dynamic!
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @angelina185 Thanks for sharing! Why do you think you stopped spending time together around 8?
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    4th or am i nuts?

    @jason106p This is pretty striking to me! The other reasons you listed are perfectly valid, but it does ultimately read like you would otherwise likely be pretty happy stopping at 3, and the above is really not a good reason, which I think you know. You said that you're already at times...
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @angelko24 Thank you for answering! Having more one-on-one quality time with my girls is the one thing that I try to focus on in being happy with stopping at two. But 3 does sound so nice.
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @scrambled That sounds like a very sweet childhood. Interesting that you had 3 siblings and wished for even more! Your child, I'm sure, will benefit from having a big extended family as an only. But that must be wild for you to have grown up with such a big family and now be part of a small one.
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @we124982 Thank you for sharing! Seems like you mostly grew up as having one sibling and have replicated that in your own family.
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @christopher11 That sounds fun! And pretty big age gaps except for the last two. Did that create any resentment among the girls that your parents wanted a boy so much? And with stopping at 2, do you think about advantages and disadvantages your kids will have with a smaller family?
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @melissauk That's interesting - I read a study that found that even the perception of parental favoritism has really lasting negative effects on sibling relationships - did it get in the way of yours and your siblings' relationships? Thanks for sharing!
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    Second baby?

    @outtaluck I wouldn't assume this - just because you had unexplained infertility the first time does not mean you will have trouble conceiving again, especially since you did end up conceiving spontaneously. Don't start trying before you actually want to have a baby. The recommendation for...
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    Older parents (39F&and43M) thinking about having a second child

    @spiritlead2013 Just responding to the space concern, we live in a 3-bedroom house and I work from home so use one of the rooms as an office during the day. We have 2 girls, ages 4 and almost 2. We have the younger one's crib in the office and have since we moved her out of our room at 6 months...
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    Can luteal phase defect be a sign of bad eggs?

    @want2bsober Just so you know, it is not medically recommended to begin another pregnancy so quickly - less than 6 months is considered high risk, and the WHO’s recommendation for spacing between pregnancies (birth to pregnancy) is 12-18 months for best outcomes for mother and baby. It’s very...
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @macb Yeah, that is my big concern about just stopping at two, that it puts more pressure on that one sibling relationship. That's interesting that you wanted another sibling more in childhood than adulthood - it was opposite for me as an only child, where I always wanted a sibling but more...
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    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    @ladyghosthunter My husband is a lawyer and got his JD at 34 (career change) but he went to a top 10 law school and had scholarships that meant he graduated with very little debt (and what little he did have we were able to pay it all off pretty much immediately with the proceeds from selling my...
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @chasingod Interesting that you all had 2 kids despite growing up with 3 and thinking 3 is ideal! What's the reason(s) for that, if you don't mind answering?
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    Regular cycle, strong positive OPKs, timed it just right and still a b-f’n-N :(

    @tigersense I'm sorry. Remember that if you hit the very best days, and you have no fertility problems, the chance of conception is still only around 30% each cycle. So hitting it just right and still not getting pregnant that cycle absolutely doesn't mean there is anything wrong with your...
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @epalmer Aw, it's sweet to hear that you longed for a sister - I'm glad I could give my girls each other and so far they adore each other. But yeah, having just two puts more pressure on the one sibling relationship and that's part of why I've wanted three, though it's pretty unlikely it will...
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    Experience of people who have siblings - how have you felt about the size of your family of origin?

    @rabbitrevenge That sounds so idyllic! I'm sure your daughter will benefit from having such a big extended family, too.