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  1. F

    Advice for insomnia and/or growing pains?

    Himself is 4.5 years old and sleeps like a rock... until he doesn't. If he's been asleep three or four hours and wakes up, it takes forever for him to fall back asleep. Last night Himself went to sleep at 8, woke up at 11 because he was thirsty, then wasn't asleep until after one in the morning...
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    Toys with staying power

    @williamjo10 Big cardboard boxes are always fun. They're in the Toy Hall of Fame, and deservedly so.
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    Toys with staying power

    @desaran After looking over all the other replies, every other person mentioned animals, so I'm definitely outvoted here!
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    Toys with staying power

    @desaran My kids argued that the animals were a toy with staying power, but I argued back that just because they were using them this week, that didn't mean they played with them every week. An exercise ball is definitely a fun toy!
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    Toys with staying power

    @katrina2017 I absolutely never would've guessed about that guitar, good to know. My 7yo is now saving up for her own electric guitar!
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    Toys with staying power

    @iceicalla Wine boxes covered with duct tape - this is brilliant!!!
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    Toys with staying power

    @cqw Oh, there's definitely no comparison between Duplo and Megablocks.
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    Parents, I need some advice regarding my cat and my newborn son.. Can you help?

    @brownie1996 Mycat slept in baby's bed all the time both before and after he was born. But he (my cat) definitely wanted nothing to do with the bed whenever there was a baby in it, babies are untrustworthy and might accidentally touch the cat. Worst that happened was the cat jumped in, saw the...
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    Toys with staying power

    My kids are now 10 and 7. I thought I'd make a short list of toys they still play with almost every week, along with (approximately) when we received them. Feel free to add your own! Age 2 (and 0): Silk play scarves. Yes, they still get these out almost every day. Age 4 (and 1): Micro...
  10. F

    Anyone use cloth baby wipes?

    @hopefulandfree I had a spray bottle of a witch hazel solution. I'd spray the booty and then wipe with dry cloths, repeat as necessary.