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    [X-post] Just starting out on our conception journey

    @philippelarabe Wow thanks! That's really interesting and helpful. There doesn't seem to be much info about it out there and even though I know it's better for him to take it I still worry about side effects so hearing that is reassuring.
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    [X-post] Just starting out on our conception journey

    @philippelarabe Thanks a lot! Azathioprine is the generic name for Imuran so that's the same drug that my son takes. I'm glad to hear they don't think your husband should have issues and it makes me less worried about my son's future family too. Good luck to you!
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    [X-post] Just starting out on our conception journey

    @philippelarabe Can I ask a sort of off topic question? How long has your husband been on the immunosuppresant and did the gastroenterologist say if there was likely to be any residual or long term effect to his fertility from having been on it? My older son has ulcerative colitis and...