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  1. H

    For those who have weaned before.

    @vl32 I would not call it clinical depression but it was bittersweet, sure
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @snowtrekker I had back labor too and also found that movement made it so much worse. All I could do was freeze on my back. I was not able to receive the epidural, so I had to just power through. But I agree - the contractions, I felt, were manageable but the back labor was what really turned it...
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    What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

    @geranium My daughter is almost 3, in like 3 more months. If she naps, it’ll be around 9:30 like you said, and it’s a big fight, and then i get really no time to decompress before my own bedtime at 10/10:30. If she doesn’t nap, she will also start getting overly tired around the evening time...
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    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    @lesbian5eva That’s how my parents did it when I was a kid. My dad worked days, like 6-3 or something like that in a factory, and then my mom worked evenings, either dinner shift waitressing or then she worked at a grocery store